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Перевод Примеры
Никогда не знаешъ, что умеешь, пока не приступишь к делу // Способности обнарУживаются в деле.

"Му mate relieves me at eight ... but I'll tip 'im the wink if it suits you. Them chairs in the Greenroom's not bad for а Ьit of kip and there's the fire. I'll tum it on. Please yerself, a-course." "Oh," she said, "could I ?" "Never know what you сап do till you try ... So long. Don't get down 'earted. lt'll Ье all the same in а fahsand years." (Marsh)

"Remember that а lot of stuff that we admire now will Ье thought just as awful in fifty year's time. That's the worst of art; there's no room for the second-rate." "One can't tell wЬat one'U bе till one tries." "Of course not, апd if you want to take up painting professionally your mother and I are the last people who'd stand in your way ; you know how much art means to us." (Maugham)

"I assure you, my good friend, I have more money than I can ever need ; far more than а man at my age can ever live to spend," said Mr. Pickwick. "No mao knows how much Ье саn spend till Ье tries," observed Mr. Weller. (Dickens)